
Among other things, I enjoy painting and drawing with all kinds of media. On this site, you can find a small collection of some of my favourite creations.

Le soleil royal

Constructed in 1670 under King Louis XIV of France, the Soleil Royal was a French 104-gun ship of the line – and in my opinion one of the most breathtakingly beautiful ships ever built. Funnily enough, it took me almost as long to finish this painting as it took the French to build the ship.

Le Soleil Royal, 2021, oil on canvas. 60 cm \times 80 cm.

Leptinotarsa decemlineata

The Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata) is a major pest of potato, but at the same time an absolutely beautiful insect. I made this painting after having worked with potatoes for about half a year.

Leptinotarsa decemlineata, 2021, oil on canvas.

Neotinea ustulata

The burnt orchid (Neotinea ustulata) is a plant native to the Alps, where I found it from time to time during my work on a small-scale mountain farm. It is not the most noticeable flower in a meadow, but at a closer glance undoubtly a stunning one.

Neotinea ustulata, 2019, aquarell.


Beginning in 2015, I visited the Zürich University of the Arts (ZHdK) for half a year. My goal there was to figure out whether to pursue a career as an illustrator or not. Even though I ultimately decided against it, I still enjoyed the time, and my drawing skills improved a lot.

At one instance, I focused on drawing metal surfaces only. Beginning with sketching real-life cutlery, pots, and cans, I moved to Greek helmets at some point. Since I didn’t have any real life helmets, I had to imagine the reflections I as an observer would create on the polished surfaces. Sketching Greek helmets was so inspiring to me that I quickly decided to make an action packed historical battle scene painting, topics which fascinated me throughout child- and into adulthood. Using Adobe Photoshop together with a graphics tablet as a tool, I could restart scenes and poses however many times I wanted to. In Adobe Photoshop – in contrast to traditional media – tt doesn’t really matter how far progressed to the painting stage you are already. Changes can be made throughout the process. The final painting shows Greco-Bactrian soldiers being attacked by Parthian heavy cavalry (the so-called cataphracts or Kataphraktoi in Greek). Such a scene might have played out in the second century B.C. in today’s Iran.

Kataphraktoi!, 2016, digital art.